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MARVELous The Show–Captain America lifting Bucky in the dirty dancing lift, both in the nude, covered by their metal shields.

MARVELous The Show

A Marvel Parody, Variety Circus, Risque Cabaret, and Spectacular Musical rolled into one huge show!

Media reviews

Audience Reacts

  • ROFL 3
  • Mind-blowing 2
  • Standing ovation 2
  • Bow chicka wow-wow 6
05 March 2025 - Arthur W.
Mind-blowingly bad. The worst show I have seen at the Fringe for this size and scale. Sexually offensive to women (the joke for every female act, is that they "hilariously" become scantily clad) and to men (the joke, being that the men act gay, which is "funny"). Feels like a child was given a budget to make a show and we get to watch what happens on stage. The premise and cast give hope as they seem talented, but the writing and direction (and sound) need a tremendous amount of work.
 Bow chicka wow-wow
06 March 2025 - Todd G.
Wish more of the audience got into this early on, but by the end the performers had them yelling and screaming like they should have been. Good bit of fun this, and the dead pool impersonation is on point.
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