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Fringe Feed

Mission To The Moon–Three characters in NASA style space suits. Front and centre a woman with curly dark hair faces the camera holding a helmet under one arm. Over her right shoulder a man looks into the distance with red juggling balls over his head. Over her left shoulder a man holds clubs with a goofy expression on his face.

Mission To The Moon

Mission to the Moon: circus meets space science in a show of gravity-defying acrobats and jugglers!

Audience Reacts

  • Hidden Gem 1
 Hidden Gem
10 March 2025 - Will M.
This was a cute and clever story with incredibly talented performers. The simple props used to show the progress of the mission were remarkably engaging as the performers enacted key moments. The performers themselves were fun, positive and amazingly talented. This is lovely performance for young ones, but grown ups will be super impressed as well.
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